


Ph.D ( EC ) ၊ Electronics

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E.mail: admin@tumyeik.edu.mm , tumyeik20521@gmail.com

Studied B.E - Electronic Engineering at Yangon Technological University, Myanmar, January 2002.
Studied M.E - Electronic Engineering at Yangon Technological University, Myanmar, July 2004.
Studied Ph.D - Electronic Engineering at Mandalay Technological University, Myanmar, August 2009.
1. Pro-rector, Technological University (Myeik), Myanmar, Since 13.5.2021
2. Professor, Technological University (Thanlyin), Myanmar, (4.12.2019 to 12.5.2021)
3. Professor & Head, Technological University (Sittwe), Myanmar, (13.3.2017 to 3.12.2019)
4. Associate Professor, Mandalay Technological University (MTU), Myanmar, (15.5.2015 to 12.3.2017)
5. Lecturer, Mandalay Technological University (MTU), Myanmar, (1.1.2010 to 14.5.2015)
6. Lecturer, Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University (MAEU), Myanmar, (15.7.2009 to 31.12.2009)
7. Assistant Lecturer, Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University (MAEU), Myanmar,(17.6.2002 to 14.7.2009)
1. "Design and Implementation of Analog Filter with Anti-Aliasing Parameter", The Third GMSARN International Conference 2008 on Sustainable Development: Issues and Prospects for the Greater Mekong Sub-region, Kunming, China, 2008, November, P.43-44.
2. "Design and Performance Evaluation of Multi-beam Reflector Antenna", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology/ISSN 2070-3724 WASET/WCSET2009, Singapore, 2009, August, Vol-56, P.539-544.
3. "FPGA Based PWM for DC-DC Buck Converter", The 10th AUN/SEED-NET Regional Conference on Energy Engineering, November 9-11, 2017, P.92.
4. " FPGA Based ADC for Digital PWM", Journal of Research and Innovation JRI, TU (Thanlyin) /ISBN - 978-99971-0-696-4/ISBN-978-99971-0-697-1, 2020, June, Vol-3, P.156-159.
1. "Training on Solar Energy Based Livelihood Projects for Rural Communities", The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi, India, (12.9.2011 to 30.9.2011).
2. "Training on Radar, Satellite Communication and Micro-electronics", Beijing Institute of Radio Measurement (BIRM), Beijing, China, (25.8.2015 to 30.9.2015).
3. "Training on Administrative Innovations - UDAN & INDIA POST”, NATIONAL CENTER FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE (NCGG), ITEC, New Delhi, India, (3.9.2021 to 3.9.2021).
4. "Training on International Programme on Institutional Planning and Management for Educational Administrators from 2-15 March 2022 offered by NIEPA”, National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), ITEC, New Delhi, India, (2.3.2022 to 15.3.2022) .
5. Attended Webinar on “EDU-Port Symposium FY 2021” Organized by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan, (4/3/2022).
1. Training Courses on “Executive Quality Management Systems Training Program TIER I in Engineering Education”, MEngC, Myanmar, (July, 2014-Passed).
2. Training Courses on “Mitsubishi PLC FX series Courses”, FA Systems Division Setsuyoastec Corporation, Myanmar, (6 Feb 2015-Passed).
3. Training on “Telecommunication”, MTU, Myanmar, (24 June 2015-Passed).
4. Workshop on “Redesigning on Program, Courses, Assessment and Curriculum Design and Training of Trainers (ToT in Myanmar 2019)” a collaborative initiative between NIAGARA UNIVERISTY & MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MYANMAR, (March, 2019-3-days workshop).
5. Workshop on “Engaged Learning - Delivered by Dr. Theingi, Rector of TU (Thanlyin)”, MYANMAR, (Feb, 2020).
6. Training Courses on “Professional Development Program-PDP (1/2022)”, Continuous Professional Development Committee, MEngC, Myanmar, (19 Feb 2022-20 Feb 2022-Passed).
7. Attended Webinar on “International Conference on Engineering Education Accreditation 2022” Organized by Myanmar Engineering Council (MEngC) & World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO-CEIE), Myanmar, (16.7.2022 to 17.7.2022).
8. Attended Webinar on “EEAC_Accreditation Training” Organized by Myanmar Engineering Council (MEngC), Myanmar, (3.9.2022 to 4.9.2022).