Department of Civil Engineering


It is aimed to produce well-qualified and well-efficient civil engineers continuously and to create chances if getting engineering jobs for graduate engineers.


It is aimed to produce internationally-acknowledged civil engineering technicians with a good knowledge of, and skills in, civil engineering .

Quality Objectives

(1) To raise the exam pass percentage to over 80% in 2019-2020 Academic Year.

(2) To get 70% of job opportunities for civil engineering students for the academic  year (2019-2020).

List of Teachers

1Daw Khin Soe HtikeLecturerBE (Civil)
2Daw Aye Thandar SoeLecturerME (Civil)
3Daw Chan Moh Moh LwinAssistant LecturerBE (Civil)
4Daw Win Zin NweLaboratory Technician (5)AGTI (Civil)