To produce ethical and outstanding mechanical engineers, who are capable of competing for the better development of the local area.
- To offer theoritical practical knowledge and skills through the practice of quality- based teaching and learning approaches.
- To develop the practice – activities of students by exposing them to projects ang mini-thes is closely connected to local plants and industrial sites.
Quality Objectives
- To reduce the percentage of undergraduate Mechanical Engineering dropouts by less than 5% (five percent).
- To achieve students’ satisfactions not less than 80% ,when it comes to the teachings of Mechanical Engineering Staff.
List of Teachers
Sr | Name | Rank | Degree | Phone No: | E.mail |
1 | Dr. Swe Le' Minn | Associate Professor | Ph.D (Mech) | 09422200496 | |
2 | U Aung Myant Tun | Tutor | BE (Mech) | 09424776567 | |
3 | Daw Hnin Mar Aung | Laboratory Technician (5) | First Year (Philo) | 09420012382 | |