Department of Electrical Power Engineering


To produce skillful and outstanding electrical power engineers and to adopt as Electrical Power Engineering Department that can support local needs.


(1) To provide quality based effective practically and theoretically teaching and learning system in order to produce skillful and outstanding engineers about technical field.

(2) To perform projects, internship training and graduation thesis according to the respective academic year for the improvement of practical field in order to support industrial needs for local development.


To exceed examination pass result above 75% and to reduce drop out percentage under 8% from Department of Electrical Power Engineering in (2019-2020) academic year.

List of Teachers

1Daw Su Su MyatAssociate ProfessorME (EP)
2Daw Me Me KhaingAssociate ProfessorME (EP)
3Daw Ayar AungLecturerME (EP)
4Daw Thin Sapal PhyuTutorBE (EP)
5U Wai Lin MaungTutorBE (EP)
6Daw Shwe Sin Win HtetTutorBE (EP)
7Daw Moh Moh KyawTutorBE (EP)
8U Than Toe AungTutorBE (EP)
9Daw Hnin Pwint HtweLaboratory Technician (5)Second Year (Myanmar)

(2019-2020) Academic Year , Practical Subjects and Practices

Practical Subjects

No. CodeSubjectJobLab title
1EP- 11011Principle of
Engineering I
1Resistance Measurement by Meter , Color and Number Coded
2Series Connected Resistances
3Parallel Connected Resistances
4Ohm’s Law
5Characteristics of Series-parallel Circuit
6Kirchoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)
7Kirchoff’s Current Law (KCL)
2EP- 21011Electrical
Circuit Analysis I
1Verification of KVL and KCL using hardware and digital simulation.
2Verification of mesh analysis using hardware and digital simulation.
3Verification of nodal analysis using hardware and digital simulation.
4Verification of super position theorem using hardware and digital simulation.
3EP- 21014Basic Electronics I1Half-wave rectifier
2Full-wave rectifier
4EP- 21021Electromechanics I1Electromagnetic Induction
2Electromagnetic Devices
5EP- 21013
Applied Electrical
Engineering I
1Resistance Measurement by Meter , Color and Number Coded
2Series Connected Resistances
3Parallel Connected Resistances
4Ohm’s Law
5Characteristics of Series-parallel Circuit
6EP- 31011Electrical
Circuit Analysis III
1Capacitor charge Time Constant
7EP- 31014Power
Electronics I
1DC Chopper
8EP- 31021Electrical Machine
and Operation I
1Torque-speed characteristics of DC machine
9EP- 31025Electrical Measurement Instrumentation1Wheatstone Bridge
10EP- 41028Programmable
Logic Control I
1Overview on Programmable Logic Controller
2Three-phase Asynchronous Motor Sequence Control Circuit
11EP- 51014Electrical Machine and Control I1Torque-speed characteristics ofTorque-speed characteristics of
DC machine
12EP- 61033Computer Aided
Electrical Engineering
1Introduction to MATLAB
2Power flow solution by MATLAB
3Optimal dispatch of Generation by MATLAB
4Balanced fault calculation by MATLAB
5Unbalanced fault calculation by MATLAB
6Stability solution by MATLAB
