Background History


It was opened as Government Technical Institute school 27th, December, 1999, as Government Technological College in 20th January, 2002, as Technological University in 20th January, 2007.
There has been teaching in present with four major subjects to Technological University (Myeik). They are (1) Cvil Engineering , (2) Electronic Engineering , (3) Electrical Power Engineering , (4) Mechanical Engineering and the total number of students are (816) attending at the TU (Myeik).

Location and Area

The Technological University (Myeik) is located in Yangon- Myeik high-way, Kabin village, Myeik Township, Tanintharyi Region . It is about 13 miles far from Myeik. Its area is 90.38 .

Duty-performing Record of Successive Principals at TU (MYEIK)

Duty-performing PeriodsStep-by-step Development of TU (MYEIK)
1Daw Myint NgeBE (Mech)24.12.1999 to 11.10.2002GTI, GTC
2U Lwin PyoneME (Mining)12.12.2002 to 13.10.2003GTC
3Daw Nu Nu SweME (EP)13.10.2003 to 14.2 .2005GTC
4Dr. Thandar AungPh.D (Mech)16.2.2005 to 17.5.2005GTC
5U Aung MoeBE (Mech)18.5.2005 to 14.12.2005GTC
6Dr. Cho Min HanPh.D (Mech)14.12.2005 to 15.1.2007GTC
7Dr. Win SandarPh.D (EP)18.1.2007 to 5.3.2008TU
8Dr. Soe Win NaingPh.D (EP)6.3.2008 to 31.3.2011TU
9Dr. Tin SanPh.D (Manufacturing Engg;) Russia1.4.2011 to 30.4.20015TU
10Dr. Kyaw Kyaw LinPh.D (MC)1.5.2015 to 1.9.2019TU
11Dr. Aung Naing MyintPh.D (MC) 2.9.2019 to 20.5.2021TU
12Dr. Kyaw Soe LwinPh.D (EC)Since- 21.5.2021 ....TU